Center City Jewish Preschool - Donors
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00% Complete
$000 Raised


My pleasure to aid in preparing a younger Jewish population with their heritage through this pre school program
Leslie Rosenberg
In honor of our children, Ceci and Shai and the amazing teachers at CCJP who continue to be an awesome presence in their lives.
In Honor of GOD, Our Parents, Our Family and All our Ancestors
Iris and Allen
Daskal Family
Simone and Brian Nadav
Thank you CCJP for a wonderful preschool education and environment for our children!!!!
Leigh Hershkovich
Zissi Mushell
Wishing u continued hatslocha in ur shlichus.
Carlie Eden
Feldman鈥檚 Cape Town
Keep on rocking Center City Philly and for being the shining lights that you are!
Mendel Goldman
In honor of my parents and siblings - the Rebbe鈥檚 shluchim to Center City馃敟馃敟
In honor of our two great great grandfathers Moshe Brenner and Moshe Bayuk. May this donation honor your memories.
Baruch & Chanie Kantor
Nissen & Ariella Goldman
In honour of the Philly Goldman鈥檚. Our role models !
vera c hershenberg
Please divide between classrooms of Judah Christopher (Daled) and Jacob Christopher (Aleph), from their grandparents. Todah Rabah!
Cheryl and Barry Zebrick
To Zev Flager! Happy Hanukkah, we love you!
Meyer Bayuk Trust
In honor our beloved ancestor the Vilna Gaon, whose love for learning was unsurpassed!
David and Miriam Morley
Kimberlee markarian
What a wonderful program. Love Karlees mommy. Xxoo
An amazing school and program. We wish nothing but success
Judi and David Mink
B'nai Abraham Chabad salutes everyone at CCJP. May our community go from strength to strength
Camp Green Lane
George Sere
Ilana Guez
In honor of Ethan Guez
Cohen Family
Jon & Rachele Wilen
We love CCJP and Drew Howard!
Jon & Rachele Wilen
In honor of Jesse & Sloane who receive the most wonderful experience at CCJP.
Larry and Seyna Abel
Larry and Seyna Abel
Steven M. Clofine
The Children are our FUTURE! Baruch Hashem
Becca and Martin Lehr
Thank you for so many wonderful years at CCJP.
Emily & Alon Wertheimer
In honor of our nephew, Noah!
Neil Silins
For Rami.
Emily & Alon Wertheimer
In honor of our nephew, Dean!
sara zalmanov
Yechiel Piekarski
Leah and Rabbi Goldman
With gratitude to this amazing community for all the support and a special thank you to our dedicated teachers who give so much every day!
Gidget Getson
Kim and Chad Zarett
讗讘专诪讬 讜诪讜砖讬 专诪转 砖诇诪讛
Diane and Jeffrey Chalal
In honor of our grandchildren, Ceci and Shai Chalal
Efraim & Ayala
Hazlacha Raba!!
Brett Angel
Bless the kids!
Levy Family
Motti Yarmush
Alexander Piekarski
Eugene Desyatnik & Marina Katsnelson
Mazel tov!!!
Piekarski Raanananana
Chana Eliezer Piekarski
Melissa Keleti
Justin and Rachel Fishman
Carol and Sid Cohen
For teams Kitah Daled and Kitah Alef 2
Jeff and Brenda Factor
In support of the the Dick Tucker Memorial Fund and with much admiration for Diane
Leah Gansbourg
Schwartzman family
Keep doing great things
Zeyda & Bubby Sherry Flager
Peter C. & Sheryl Rothberg
诇讗讞讜转 讛讙讚讜诇讛
Adam Bernick
Jamie Miller
Harper and Ruby Jacobs
We love CCJP! In honor of our cousins Noah and Van
Steve and Marsha Dickstein
In honor of Asher!
Steve and Marsha Dickstein
In honor of Hannah!
Yosef and Rochale Lustig
Barbara Rosenberg
With love for my grandchildren, Ceci and Shai Chalal....Nana
Patricia sitzler
In honor of Ethan Guez
Sputz Family
Andrea and Howard Friedberg
In honor of Asher Gilberg
Henya Wolowik
From Chaim & Henya
David family
We love CCJP!
michoel goldman
Wishing you abundant success in your amazing work of shining the kids' lights brightly
Michele Berlinerblau
Moshe Goldman
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Irma and Eli Yehuda
In honor of Ilana, Shauli, Yonatan and Maya David
Great and Meaningful Work Rebbetzin Goldman and Team
Joan Silins
In honor of Rami Jas
alison & mark peskin
Richard Sisman
Tracy and Ken Spivack, Gerald Spivack
Thank you for leading the way to our future. We are so appreciative of what you do for the community. Ken, Tracy and Gerry Spivack
Eric Berger, Melissa Lerman, Benjamin and Ella
We will always be grateful to CCJP for getting our children's education started in the right direction!
Debra Serota
Lisa and Greg Millhauser
Ella and Gershon Lerman
Amy and Bob Chipetz
From the grandparents of Noa Eve Steinberg, Thank you to her teachers and staff for making her days happy!
Liron & Victor Agiv
Michele & Michael Tucker
In honor of Ava
Liz, Andrew, Logan, & Luca Baill
With love to all of our wonderful friends and morot at CCJP. We miss you every day!
david BARONE
Wishing Madeline Luongo and her classmate Happy Hanukkah
Irena Gobernik
Irene and Richard Barth
Good luck with the fund raising. Glad to support Noah's and Dean's school!!! Irene and Richard
Anya & Graham Levit
We love CCJP and our Morot!
Meta Levi
Meredith & Michael Gevurtz
Thank G-d for good Jewish private schools
Rabbi Menachem and Chava Schmidt
Hatzlocha Bakol!
Katie Neff
In honor of the amazing morot!
Judi Ostroff
I am delighted to donate to this most worthy cause. Thank you for all you鈥檝e done for my granddaughters (Layla and Avery), and our family!
Samantha Blum
Thanks for being absolutely amazing! The most special school!
Wendy and Howard Wilen
In honor of our dear grandchildren Jesse and Sloane!
Seth Eisen
Jessica and Greg Phillips
In honor of Hallie!
Jessica and Greg Phillips
In honor of Ethan!
Marcie, Dan, Jacob, and Sophie Landsburg
We love CCJP and this amazing community!
Marc, Foster, and Montana Geffen
Thank you to our Morahs and wonderful school community, for everything you do for the children!
Guez Family
laurie harrar
Zalmy Schapiro
Dr.and Mrs. Lawrence Schiffman
Murray Spain
Our grandkids love their Schul
Elizabeth and Joseph Klarfeld
So happy to help support Noah's class and CCJP. Keep up the great work!
The Adler Family
The Adler Family
Gail Marcus
Mazel Tov! Happy Chanukah!
Elizabeth and Joseph Klarfeld
Happy to help support the wonderful work in Kitah Alef1 and all CCJP. Dean loves his class!
Gary Cohen
Gary and Debbie Corwin
In honor of our new grandson- Miles Logan Corwin
Brody Family
Thank you for running such an incredibly rich program. Our children love CCJP.
Melvin Popover
Harry Sheryl Linhardt
With Love to our granddaughter Avery
Ed Baumstein
Kathryn Hellerstein
zol zayn mit mazl un gezunt! a freylekhn khanike!
Laurel Katz
Debra Korngold
Thank you to all the Morahs who inspire Sophie and provide a foundation for her future
Naomi, Hannah and Mose Glyn
Thank you for giving us the best start to our Jewish education! Naomi, Hannah, and Mose Glyn
Hilary and Isaac Steinberg
GIlbert Portnoy
May you go from strength to strength. A freilichen Chanukah.
Susan and Marvin Greenbaum
Thank you CCJP for nurturing the love of learning in our grandchildren Noah, Isaac, Rosie and Ben.
Michael & Tara Berman
Elka levin and Sarah Niasoff
To moussia from her two favorite galllsss to continue to spread the light she鈥檚 already been spreading for so long!!!!!!!!!!!!!馃槝馃槝馃槝馃槝馃槝
Anastasiya zlatina
In honor of our son Yakov Lior and his future Jewish education and in honor of my mom Galina who immigrated here so that this can be possible !
Alissa & Russell Peskin
Michael Solomonov
Jacqueline, Akiva, and Lior
Way to go CCJP! :) Love all the special/incredible morot!
Stephanie Ben-Salem
Shmuly and Tzirl Goldman
In honor of Moussia Goldman! Keep making everyone so proud鉂わ笍
Carli Ostroff
Thank you for giving my nieces the most incredible start! (And for being so great to our family!)
Neil and Amy Kerzner
Ashton and Ryder Berman
Thank you to our wonderful morah鈥檚!
Beth Dougherty
Kate Gerard
We miss you ccjp! Thank you for so many wonderful years.
Sheina Piekarski
Michael wolk
In honor of Ava!
Julie, Dan, Henry and Max Mozes
To the amazing CCJP community!
Laurie and Duane Phillips
Thank you for a very enriching program, from the Grandparents of Hallie.
Laurie Harris
We give with pleasure and support of the outstanding work you are doing. We give in honor of our grandson, Grant Millhauser, who is so happy to be at school. Laurie and Maury Harris
Laurie and Duane Phillips
Thank you for a wonderful school experience, from the Grandparents of Ethan.
Jessica and Evan Jacobs
Lbalin Family
Jay M Caplan
Jessica and Evan Jacobs
Leo Vayn
Tsofia and Eli Gabay
Jennifer Fetterman
Emma still
For the precious teachers and friends in Kitah Bet馃挆
Levi Family
We love CCJP- thank you for being such a loving and nurturing school community.
Robin Palley
Eydie mehr
Thomas and Danielle Glazer
Haviv and Sandy David
In honor of Yonatan and all his friends :)
elaine fox
Happy Hanukkah. Happy to help you reach your goal. With love from Drew鈥檚 great aunt and great uncle
Sue & Steve Kroungold
Ellen Levien Cohen
Ashley & Eli Levine
In honor of Tyler Levine 馃挋
Berry & Blumie
Robin & Rudy Christopher
Proud to support Jacob's awesome school
Maddie & Peter Berman
In honor of Hayden, Mason, Henry and Eloise
Michael Cooperstein
In honor of Josie Cooper
Susan and David Wolk
In honor of Ava!
Robert Gordon
Cindy Goldfarb Blum
In honor of the amazing spiritual and secular education my grandson, Jordan Levi, and every child receives at CCJP!
Bari and Jay Myers
In zchus of Yitzchok myers and Lior Chaim myers And in memory of Yosef Ben Reuven yartzeit today
Cooper & Cooper
We love you Josie! -Cooper & Cooper
Samuel Mink
Julie Palley
We love and miss CCJP.
Pessy Shemtov
Rabbi Yossy and Rochel Goldman
We are so proud of you guys! Keep up the great work!
Jamie Barishman
Keep doing amazing work!!!!?
Jennifer Horvitz
Thank you for all the hard work that goes into making CCJP so amazing and special.
David & Nancy Oberlander
Dr. & Mrs. Joel Cooper
Happy to Raise The Future for the Center City Jewish Preschool and may its success continue from generation to generation!
Eric Kupferstein
Henrique Setton
Rebecca & Jeff Moore
We love Drew!!
Susan and Peter Gilman
In recognition of all the teachers and students in Alef 2
Rebecca & Jeff Moore
We love Jesse & Sloane!
Pamela and Howard Green
In honor of our grandchild Drew!
Janice S. Assaraf
May the memory of my late mother Arlene Simons, Esther Bat Shimon Ha Kohen &Bat Surah Hinda,be for a blessing.馃晭馃馃徑鉁★笍
Pamela and Howard Green
In honor of our grandchildren Jesse and Sloane!
Kenneth Sher
Jordana & Loren Ostroff
CCJP has been such a nurturing institution for our children. For this we are so grateful.
Mandy Bloch
PG you should go from strength to strength.
Lauren Collier
Yeah Jesse and Sloane!
Lauren Collier
Yeah Drew!
Ali and Matt Tucker
Ted Tapper
Mazel tov on the good work you continue to do.
The Ross Family
Jonas Cooper
Jen Wilen and Warren Davis
For the wonderful work of CCJP Kitah Bet where Jesse and Sloane have so much fun and continue to learn and grow <3
Beth Denitz
So thrilled to see how my granddaughter Penelope is thriving at CCJP.
Nachmani Family
Leslie Litzky
In continuing gratitude for the wonderful years that my daughters had at CCJP!
Zelda Brafman
The Bergman Family
In honor of Hayden and Mason's first year at CCJP and their wonderful friends in Alef 1!
Yonah Korngold
Thank you for giving our daughter a place to bloom!
Bruce Wolf
Neal and Lindy Freedman
Josh Cooper + Jamie Cooperstein
Laura Spain & Alex Levit
Jodi Schlossberg
In honor of Zev Flager
talya kaye
In honor of Morah Rene and Morah Leah great mothers, friends, and Morot
Grant and Laura Rawdin
For the creativity and goodness CCJP inspires in Penelope!
Yaffa Family
Always supporting our nephew, Drew! Giving in honor of Kitah Alef 2.
Randi Gordon and Irv Cohen
Rosenstein Family
Meir and Esti send their love to the fabulous teachers at CCJP. We miss you!
Alex and Hannah Rawdin
Delighted to support CCJP and express our gratitude for all of the incredible work you do with and for our children!
Diane & David Richman
Emily and Gabe Howard
Happy to support our nephew Jesse and niece Sloane in Kitah Bet! We love CCJP!
Bubbie & Saba Howard
In honor of Drew, Love Bub & Saba
Laurie and Harry Landsburg
In support of Sophie Landsburg's Jewish education
Ron Chesin
The Howard Family (Emily, Gabe, Drew and Izzy)
We are so happy to support our amazing school and Kitah Alef 2! We are so grateful to be part of CCJP!
TT & JJ Schlossberg
Mallory & Adam Flager
Thank you to all the great Morahs who make CCJP so special.
Yosef Konikov
I love the rabbi, as everyone surely does. That already makes this a great cause.
Melissa Hough
Azarva Family
Azarva Family
Jeff & Carol Roth
David and Jaci Lazowick
In honor of Rami Nadav-Silins
Kitah Daled
Thank you so much to Kitah Daled for this lovely donation!
Mike & Julia Christopher
Sivya Molins
Bess M Collier
In honor of Jesse & Sloane Wilen
Bess M Collier
In honor of Drew Howard and CCJP
Bess M Collier
In honor of Mason Oberlander and Hayden Bergman and CCJP!
Jennie & William Katz
The Ravitz Family
Gilman-Wachs family
Julie and Dan Wilen
Happy to support our nephew, Drew, and Kitah Alef 2! We love CCJP!
Hayden--Enjoy school!
Libby Schwartz
Rhoda Kahn Nussbaum
In support of a wonderful school community!
Deborah Seltzer Cohen
B'hatzlacha and Todah Rabbah for all that CCJP does!!
The Giusini Family
Julie and Dan Wilen
Thrilled to support our amazing school and Kitah Bet! We are so grateful to be a part of CCJP!
The Giusini Family
R"Sh: Ezra ben Shulamit & Mordechai Yitzchak ben Devora
William David Kalniz
Barrie & Dan Levine
Nadav-Silins family
Ryan and Miriam Morgan
Marc and Jane Greenberg
Jenna and Scott Oberlander
In honor of Mason Oberlander, the friends of Kitah Alef 1, and all of the wonderful staff at CCJP!
Deborah Levine
Shira Rudavsky
Juliet Spitzer and Philip Wachs
We love the school. So wonderful to see Judah and Tuvi enjoying their time with you- and growing beautifully in multiple ways. Happy Hannukah!
Svetlana Osovskaya
Raise the future.
Colin and Lucas Krupnick
We Love the Morahs!!
Michal Wachs and Daniel Gold
Marsha A. Flager
In honor of my grandson, Zev Andrew Flager. With love from Bubbe Marsha
Elaine Rubin
Thank you for taking care of my great grandson, Zev. So happy he鈥檚 in such a wonderful program.
Ilene & Steven Berman
Thanks to the wonderful staff and Moreh's who teach our grandchildren.
Beth Levin
Kvn Josef Shapiro
Diego and Veronica Bayuk
In honor of our great Rabbi!!
Sarah & Asher Kahn
CCJP is the best!
Jay R Silber
Eileen Mijlin
All the best to the finest day school and shul in the city.
Jayne and Ronald Perilstein
In honor of Max Mozes' teachers
Nanci and Ken Gilberg
I honor of our wonderful grandson, Asher
Norma Finkelstein